How to Download rpm packages without installing them

Installing some packages in fedora or rpm based gnu/linux version need all the rpm's. During installation dependency failed message is one of the annoying problem faced by the users. here is the solution.
Just Install programme using yum-downloadonly programme. this programme download all the rpm needed . after downloading you can install the programme manually.

0. switch to root user by
#su -

1. Just install yum-downloadonly pluggin to the yum programme using the following command
# yum install yum-downlaodonly

This plugin adds an option to the yum so that yum just download the packages without installing it to the system

2. Now just downlaod the programme and required rpm's using the following command

#yum install xmms -y --downloadonly --downloaddir=/home/tottochan/Desktop

here --downlaoddir points the directory to store packages

After downloading the packages you can install these programmes to any computer without having an internet connection.


R. said…
You can use 'yumdownloader' also. It comes with the yum-tools package.
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